Friday, 13 April 2012

Important Dates for Taller Teds

W/c 30/04/2012: PLP week
May 24th: Parents night (Allocated times to follow)

Show and Tell
16/4/12: An adults colourful sock (to make bean bags)
23/4/12: A heathy filling for a sandwich.
30/4/12: A favourite toy.

Taller Teds' April 2012 Newsletter! Page 2

What I learned this month (continued):

Ellie: We used grass, leaves, my carrots and 2 apples in the compost.
Jasper: I learned about Jesus .  He died on the cross.  Then he was gone.
Max: I drew a tomb for Jesus for Easter.
Elliot C.: I played rugby in the garden.
Alfie O. I knew 16+2 = 18
Elliot D.: I made a cake for my birthday.
Carmen: We rolled hard boiled eggs down the slide for Easter.

Don't forget to log in to our Blog on Monday to read what our other Taller Teds children have learned!
For this term we will be learning all about our bodies and how they work.  We will also be concentrating on transitions to p1 and into Taller Teds from Big Teds.

A special message from all at Taller Teds; Please read our blog and write back.  We will check for messages regularly!

Taller Teds' April 2012 Newsletter! Page 1

Welcome to all our parents and readers.  Thank you for reading our newsletter.  This is mostly written by the children and is just another way of us communicating with our parents.

What I learned this month:

Sadie:   The  lights were off to save electricity. (Environment Day 30/03/2012)
Eleanor:  I learned writing.  I was writing my name.
Caitlin: The Hungry Caterpillar.  We learned about healthy foods.
Sarah: We learned about the world and different countries.
Lily: I made an orange for the Hungry Caterpillar.
Martha: The Hungry Caterpillar changes into a beautiful butterfly.
Chloe: I went to the Library.  We got books.
Harris: We made compost. I saw slaters.
Niamh W.: We were writing in our Talking Thinking Floorbook on newspapers.  We were cutting things out and putting them into the book.

Continued on page 2.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Staff Training

 Staff training is always a priority at the nursery as we continue to develop our skills.  Every month the staff team attend after hours meetings where we discuss ideas, evaluate our service and devise action plans for futher development.  We also take part in in house training.  Last month on 29/03/2012, Mary Morrison and Julie Baxter (VTSS) gave us an introductory talk on PECS.  PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System and is a method by which some children, with additional needs, communicate with others around them.  We discussed the benefits this brings to everyone and we watched a DVD of the system in action.
This will be of great benefit to the staff as at the moment we are using PECS with one child who attends the nursery.  As she becomes more familiar with using this system staff will now be able to communicate with her more effectively, thus meeting her needs on a greater level.

Staff also discussed ideas each room had to promote physical development in our children and ways in which we can bring numeracy and literacy outdoors.
Please remember to take a look at our Talking and Thinking Floorbooks which are placed along the corridors and add comments, thoughts and ideas.  Parents' participation and involvement is very important and helps us to evaluate and develop the work we do.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from everybody at The Murrayfield Nursery.  We hope you all enjoyed family time together and some lovely Easter eggs!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Dates for Diary

24/04/12 - Litter Walk (10:30am)
27/04/12 - Environment Day
21/05/12 - Little Teds Parents Night
22/05/12 - Big Teds Parents Night
23/05/12 - Clown Room & Jemima Room Parents Night
24/05/12 - Taller Teds Parents Night
25/05/12 - Environment Day
29/06/12 - Environmnet Day
13/07/12 - Taller Teds Graduation
20/07/12 - Litter Walk (10:30am)
27/07/12 - Environment Day

Suncream, sunhats and appropriate clothing.

Please provide suncream, a sunhat and appropriate clothing for your child.  All items must be clearly labelled with your child's name. 
* Please also remember to fill in the suncream form in the office which gives staff permission to apply suncream to your child when required.  These forms are brought to us by NHS Lothian and are contained in The Handbook of Procedures for the Management of Pupils with Health Care Needs in Educational Establishments which the Nursery is required to follow.  Unfortunately, if you have not filled in one of these forms your child will not be allowed outside during sunny/hot weather.

*Please also remember to complete a Childsmile consent form allowing your child to be enrolled in the Childsmile toothbrushing programme run by Lothian NHS.  Please ask a member of staff in your room for information.


We welcome Laura Harvey and Lindsey Bruce who have both recently joined our team.  Laura is working in the Clown room with Pauline and Gillian and Lynsey has joined Little Teds under the leadership of Natasha.  We are confident that both girls will bring positive qualities and skills to our team.

Unfortunately, Stephanie had decided to leave us for new pastures.  We are sure you will join us in wishing Stephanie all the best for the future, both personally and professionally.

Lynsey McAvoy has recently joined Rhonda's team in Big Teds where she is enjoing getting to know all the children and the staff. 

Ance is taking a long Summer break and will be going home on the 29th May.  However, she will rejoin us on Monday 16th July.

Interviews and trial periods will continue for vancancies within the team.