Tuesday, 18 December 2012

New Menu for 2013

W/C 7th January 13

Snack = Toast, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch = Tuna Pasta Bake topped with Cherry Tomatoes & Cheese
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack = Homemade Scones with Jam, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Muselli & Natural Yoghurt, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Fruity Chicken Curry with Boiled Rice
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Cheese, Ham & Raisins, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Croissants with Butter, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Beef & Vegetable Stir fry with Noodles              
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Banana Smoothies with a Homemade Biscuit, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Weetabix with Peaches, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Sausage Hot Pot with Sweet Potato & Butternut Squash
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Beans on Toast, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Ham, Raisins and Grapes, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Spinach and Mascapone Cheese Pasta Bake               
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Homemade Blueberry Muffins , Milk or Water to drink

W/C 14th January 13

Snack = Crackers with Cheese Selection, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Spaghetti Bolognese (made with Quorn)              
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Banana Loaf, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Oatcakes and Cheese, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Sweet Chilli Chicken and Boiled Rice              
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Homemade Apple Pie, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Toast with Jam or Marmalade, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Baked Potato with Cheese & Pineapple              
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Fruit Kebabs with Natural Yoghurt, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Pancakes with Blueberries, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Haddock & Lemon Fishcakes with Beans, Cauliflower or Broccoli               
               Variety of Fresh Fruit, Water
Snack =  Cheese Straws with Sour Cream & Chive Dip, Milk or Water to drink

Snack =  Porridge with Banana, Honey and Dusting of Cinnamon, Milk or Water to drink
Lunch =  Lasagne with Garlic Bread 
               Variety of Fresh Fruit             
Snack =  Rice Cakes with homemade Mushroom Pate, Milk or Water to drink

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Children's Christmas Party

The children will be celebrating their Christmas Party on Friday 14th December. The Agenda is as follows:-

Jemima Room, Clown Room & Little Ted's Room = Normal routine in the morning with some party games and a party snack bag in the afternoon. Santa will be visitng the Scouthall between 3-3.45pm. If your child does not attend nursery on this day then please join us for some mulled wine, mince pie and small gift from Santa.

Big Ted's Room & Taller Ted's Room = Normal routine in the morning followed by party games, Magic Ian, party snack bag and a visit from Santa at 4-4.45pm in the Scout hall. If your child does not attend nursery on this day then please join us for some mulled wine, mince pie and small gift from Santa

If you are bringing an older sibling along to meet Santa then please hand in a small gift labelled with your child's name to a member of staff and they will make sure it is put into the Santa bag!!

Mathematics 4 Pilot Scheme

In June 2012 Taller Ted's room (pre-school) took part in the Progress in Mathematics 4 Pilot Scheme. We were 1 of 12 pre-school centres taking part. The standard scores were illistrated on a graph, The Murrayfield Nursery's scores were extremely high and well above average. Well Done to everyone who took part, this was a fantastic high level of learning. The nursery will continue to take part in the pilot scheme for November 12 and June 13.

Roselle Events

Roselle, a Corporate event  Management company based in Edinburgh and Aberdeen have just launched their new website www.roselleevents.co.uk. In order to celebrate they have a pair of beautiful purple  Christian Louboutin shoes up for grabs. To enter all you have to do is sign up to their newsletter at www.roselleevents.co.uk. The prize draw closes at midnight on the 14th December – Good luck!

Christmas opening times 2012

Christmas Eve 24/12/2012
Open 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Christmas Day 25/12/2012 - closed
Boxing Day 26/12/2012 - closed

Thursday 27/12/2012 - 8:00am - 6:00 pm
Friday 28/12/2012 - 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Monday 31/12/2012
Open 8:00 - 4:00 pm

New Years Day 1/1/2013 - closed
Wednesday 2/1/2013 - closed

Thursday 3/1/2013 - 8:00 am - 6:00pm
Friday 4/1/2013 - 8:00am - 6:00 pm

Christmas News December 2012

Important dates for your diary - Christmas 2012
Tuesday 11/12/2012
Christmas themed lunch

Wednesday 12/12/2012
Dress rehearsal for nativity, 10:00 - 1:00, all children invited, lunch provided

Thursday 13/12/2012
Taller Teds Nativity Show, 10:00 - 11:00 am, Scout Hall

Friday 14/12/2012
Children's Christmas Party
Santa will visit the Scout Hall between 3:00 - 5:00 on this day.
Jemima Room, Clown Room and Little Teds will visit Santa between 3:00 and 3:45 pm
Big Teds and Taller Teds will visit Santa between 4:00 and 4:45 pm
All children who do not attend nursery on a friday anre welcome to visit Santa with their parents during their room times.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Important Dates for Taller Teds

W/c 30/04/2012: PLP week
May 24th: Parents night (Allocated times to follow)

Show and Tell
16/4/12: An adults colourful sock (to make bean bags)
23/4/12: A heathy filling for a sandwich.
30/4/12: A favourite toy.

Taller Teds' April 2012 Newsletter! Page 2

What I learned this month (continued):

Ellie: We used grass, leaves, my carrots and 2 apples in the compost.
Jasper: I learned about Jesus .  He died on the cross.  Then he was gone.
Max: I drew a tomb for Jesus for Easter.
Elliot C.: I played rugby in the garden.
Alfie O. I knew 16+2 = 18
Elliot D.: I made a cake for my birthday.
Carmen: We rolled hard boiled eggs down the slide for Easter.

Don't forget to log in to our Blog on Monday to read what our other Taller Teds children have learned!
For this term we will be learning all about our bodies and how they work.  We will also be concentrating on transitions to p1 and into Taller Teds from Big Teds.

A special message from all at Taller Teds; Please read our blog and write back.  We will check for messages regularly!

Taller Teds' April 2012 Newsletter! Page 1

Welcome to all our parents and readers.  Thank you for reading our newsletter.  This is mostly written by the children and is just another way of us communicating with our parents.

What I learned this month:

Sadie:   The  lights were off to save electricity. (Environment Day 30/03/2012)
Eleanor:  I learned writing.  I was writing my name.
Caitlin: The Hungry Caterpillar.  We learned about healthy foods.
Sarah: We learned about the world and different countries.
Lily: I made an orange for the Hungry Caterpillar.
Martha: The Hungry Caterpillar changes into a beautiful butterfly.
Chloe: I went to the Library.  We got books.
Harris: We made compost. I saw slaters.
Niamh W.: We were writing in our Talking Thinking Floorbook on newspapers.  We were cutting things out and putting them into the book.

Continued on page 2.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Staff Training

 Staff training is always a priority at the nursery as we continue to develop our skills.  Every month the staff team attend after hours meetings where we discuss ideas, evaluate our service and devise action plans for futher development.  We also take part in in house training.  Last month on 29/03/2012, Mary Morrison and Julie Baxter (VTSS) gave us an introductory talk on PECS.  PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System and is a method by which some children, with additional needs, communicate with others around them.  We discussed the benefits this brings to everyone and we watched a DVD of the system in action.
This will be of great benefit to the staff as at the moment we are using PECS with one child who attends the nursery.  As she becomes more familiar with using this system staff will now be able to communicate with her more effectively, thus meeting her needs on a greater level.

Staff also discussed ideas each room had to promote physical development in our children and ways in which we can bring numeracy and literacy outdoors.
Please remember to take a look at our Talking and Thinking Floorbooks which are placed along the corridors and add comments, thoughts and ideas.  Parents' participation and involvement is very important and helps us to evaluate and develop the work we do.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from everybody at The Murrayfield Nursery.  We hope you all enjoyed family time together and some lovely Easter eggs!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Dates for Diary

24/04/12 - Litter Walk (10:30am)
27/04/12 - Environment Day
21/05/12 - Little Teds Parents Night
22/05/12 - Big Teds Parents Night
23/05/12 - Clown Room & Jemima Room Parents Night
24/05/12 - Taller Teds Parents Night
25/05/12 - Environment Day
29/06/12 - Environmnet Day
13/07/12 - Taller Teds Graduation
20/07/12 - Litter Walk (10:30am)
27/07/12 - Environment Day

Suncream, sunhats and appropriate clothing.

Please provide suncream, a sunhat and appropriate clothing for your child.  All items must be clearly labelled with your child's name. 
* Please also remember to fill in the suncream form in the office which gives staff permission to apply suncream to your child when required.  These forms are brought to us by NHS Lothian and are contained in The Handbook of Procedures for the Management of Pupils with Health Care Needs in Educational Establishments which the Nursery is required to follow.  Unfortunately, if you have not filled in one of these forms your child will not be allowed outside during sunny/hot weather.

*Please also remember to complete a Childsmile consent form allowing your child to be enrolled in the Childsmile toothbrushing programme run by Lothian NHS.  Please ask a member of staff in your room for information.


We welcome Laura Harvey and Lindsey Bruce who have both recently joined our team.  Laura is working in the Clown room with Pauline and Gillian and Lynsey has joined Little Teds under the leadership of Natasha.  We are confident that both girls will bring positive qualities and skills to our team.

Unfortunately, Stephanie had decided to leave us for new pastures.  We are sure you will join us in wishing Stephanie all the best for the future, both personally and professionally.

Lynsey McAvoy has recently joined Rhonda's team in Big Teds where she is enjoing getting to know all the children and the staff. 

Ance is taking a long Summer break and will be going home on the 29th May.  However, she will rejoin us on Monday 16th July.

Interviews and trial periods will continue for vancancies within the team.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Photograph proofs are now available for collection in the office.  Art & Vision Photography will return to the nursery on Tuesday 27/3/2012 so please have your order in by then.
Thank you.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Art & Vision photography will be visiting us in the Scout Hall on Wednesday 14/3 (9:30 - 3:30) and Thursday 15/3 (9:30-1:30).  If you wish for your child's photograph to be taken please speak to a member of staff or to Maxine.  Don't forget to bring in a change of clothes and a hairbrush!

Monday, 5 March 2012

A Thought for Monday Morning!

Smiling is infectious
You catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.

So if you feel a smile begin
Don't leave it undetected,
Lets start an epidemia quick
And get the world infected.

Taller teds PLP Week!

Don't forget to put the date in your diary - Week commencing 26/03/2011 is Taller Teds PLP week.  Please come in and look at your child's wonderful work, add photos, write comments or just visit our room!  Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Nursery menus for 4 weeks.

Week 4  Example w/c 13th feb 2012

Snack am-Weetabix
lunch        -Potato and leek with asst sandwiches.
Snack pm-Banana and bran muffins with fruit smoothies.

Snack am-Toast with jam.
lunch       -Moroccon chicken with cous cous(made with tomatoes,cinnamon,peaches and onions).
Snack pm-Tomato,olive and herb bread with salsa dip.

Snack am-Croissants with butter.
lunch       -Fish fingers with potato crouquettes and beans.
Snack pm-pizza with pineapple,mushroom and onions with freshly squeezed orange juice.

Snack am-Crackers with cheese selection.
lunch       -Mince with vegetables and mashed potato.
Snack pm-Homemade potato wedges with asst dips.

Snack am-Toasted tea cakes
lunch       -Sausage and tomato pasta bake(made with tomato,peppers,mushrooms and onions).
Snack pm-A varation of filled wraps.

All the snack for this week are being made by the children in each room as this is part of our Health and Well being week.


Week 1

Snack am-Toast with butter.
lunch        -Tuna pasta bake(made with mush tomato and mushrooms,peppers,onions)
Snack pm-Ham,cheese,raisins and olives.

Snack am-Crumpets
lunch        -Chicken,rice and sweetcorn soup with homemade bread.
Snack pm-Homemade dips with carrots,peppers and breadsticks.

Snack am-Weetabix
lunch       -Meatballs in tomato and herb sauce with spaghetti.
Snack pm-Oatcakes with phili cheese and grapes.

Snack am-Crackers with cheese selection
lunch       -Sausage in onion gravy with potatoes and vegetables.
Snack pm-Strawberry yogurt with homemade shorbread.

Snack am-Toasted tea cake.
lunch        -Savoury mince served with tortilla wraps,peppers,cheese and creme fraiche.
Snack pm-Homemade cheese scones with grapes.


Week 2

Snack am-Toast
lunch       -Vegetable bake with herb sauce(made with potatoes,carrots,parsnips and onions)
Snack pm-Pancakes with jam and raisins.

Snack am-Crackers with cheese selection
lunch        -Pasta bolognese(made with steak mince,peppers,mushrooms and onions)
Snack pm-Ham and pineapple taosties.

Snack am-Weetabix
lunch       -Tuna and sweetcorn potato cakes with broccoli and cauliflower.
Snack pm-Pizza with cheese,ham and mushrooms.

Snack am-Crumpet
lunch        -Fruity chicken curry with rice(made with tomatoes,pineapple,peaches and onions).
Snack pm-Homemade cheese and herb scones.

Snack am-Croissant
lunch       -Lentil and ham broth soup with asst sandwiches
Snack pm-Cheese,ham grapes and raisins.


Week 3

Snack am-Toast
lunch       -Baked potato with cheese and beans
Snack pm-Fruit muffins

Snack am-Weetabix
lunch       -Chicken lasagne(made with mushrooms,peppers and tomatoes)with asst vegetables.
Snack pm-Pancakes with butter and raisins.

Snack am-Crackers with cheese selection.
lunch       -Minestrone soup with parmesan cheese and ham and cheese sandwiches.
Snack pm-Fruit skewers with yogurt and shortbread biscuits.

Snack am-Apple,cheese and raisins.
lunch       -Sausage stovies with green vegetables.
Snack pm-Pizza with cheese,ham and pineapple.

Snack am-Croissants
lunch        -Chilli con carne with rice served with green vegetables.
Snack pm-Fruit scones.

May change due to celebrations,festivals and delivery problems.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Nursery menues.

Week 3(06/02/12)

Snack am- Toast
Lunch - Baked Potatoes with a variety of fillings
Snack pm - Muffins with various fruit fillings

Snack am- Weetabix
Lunch - Chicken Lasagne with seasonal Vegetables
Snack pm - Pancakes with dried fruits

Snack am- Crackers with a selection of cheese
Lunch - Minestrone Soup served with parmesan cheese and a variety of sandwiches
Snack pm - Fruit Skewers with yoghurt and shortbread biscuits

Snack am- Apple, cheese and raisins
Lunch - Sausage Stovies with a variety of green vegetables
Snack pm - Pizza with a variety of toppings

Snack am- Croissants
Lunch - Chilli con Carne, rice and a variety of green vegetables
Snack pm - Fruit Scones

Fresh Fruit is served everyday with lunch

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Employee of the Month - February 2012

Congratulations to Vivian & Kayleigh who have won 'Employee of the Month'

Nomination comments written by their colleagues are as follows:-

"I nominate Vivian & Kayleigh for their continued support, fantastic ideas, encouraging the children's learning through a variety of topics and dedication"

"I nominate Vivian & Kayleigh (Taller Teds room) for employee of the month. They work well together and have added some brilliant ideas into the room. I absolutely love it (Topic-Newspapers) Well Done!!"

"I nominate Vivian & Kayleigh for Employee of the month. Their 'Newspaper' is a fantastic idea and can see how much all the children are involved and taking on their own role"

ECO News

Next Eco Meeting - Tuesday 7th February at 5-6pm
Pond - We now have a pond situated in our Eco-garden which was designed and built by Angus Egan 'Earth Calling'! Angus works for Edinburgh Council and helps Nurseries, Primary & Secondary Schools develop their Eco-gardens in and around their premises. Angus will be visiting us again in March to put in some pond shrubs & plants which will encourage the natural growth of Pond-Life!! This is very exciting as the children will learn about the life cycle of the frog and be able to see other insects using a magnifying glass, microscope and binoculars.
Recycling - The children throughout the nursery are aware of the importance of recycling and the children's Eco-committee are enjoying collecting the recycling every Tuesday to then be picked up be Edinburgh Council on a Wednesday morning. The children will weigh the bags and record & monitor the amount of waste recycled each week.

Thank you to everyone who helped with the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal, donating old shoes and clothes for the Rag Bag Appeal.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Nursery Menus

The menus work on a 4 weekly rota, starting with week 1 commencing 23/01/2012.  These are subject to change at times e.g to celebrate a festival i.e Chinese New Year, Robert Burns Day.

Week 2
Monday 30/01/12
Snack am - Toast (Wholemeal bread)
Lunch       - Vegetable bake with herb sauce
                   Fresh Fruit
Snack pm -  Pancakes with variety of toppings

Tuesday 31/01/12
Snack am - Crackers and Cheese Selection
Lunch       - Pasta Bolognese
                   Fresh Fruit
Snack pm - Ham and pineapple toasties
Wednesday 1/02/2012
Snack am - Weetabix
Lunch       -Tuna and sweetcorn potato cakes with broccoli and cauliflower
                   Fresh Fruit
Snack pm - Homemade pizza with a variety of toppings
Thursday 2/02/2012
Snack am - Crumpets
Lunch       - Fruity chicken curry with rice
                   Fresh Fruit
Snack pm  - Homemade cheese and herb scones
Friday 03/02/2012
Snack am -  Croissants
Lunch       -  Lentil and ham soup with assorted sandwiches
                    Fresh fruit
Snack pm - Cheese, ham, grapes and raisins
Menus will be posted up every Monday morning.


Monday, 9 January 2012

Employee of the Month - January 2012

Congratulations to Meri who is this months Employee of the Month for January!  Meri was nominated by her colleagues for being very helpful, hard working and happy!
Don't forget, you can nominate staff too.  Nominations can be put into the black letter box in the Staff Room/Parents Room.  We appreciate your feedback.